Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course! We love our pets and would never put them at risk. We use pesticides that have the least amount of toxicity to humans, pets and other mammals and birds. Allow 1 hour drying time after application before letting pets outside.

  • On an average yard, our worker bees will be able to perform a quality application in about 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Allow 30 minutes to 1 hour for the chemicals to dry and then feel free to roam!

  • Absolutely! Of course it would benefit everyone if the whole street had treatments done (which is why we offer great discounts for neighborhoods), but our method has outstanding results either way. The invisible barrier we create around your property eliminates and repels all types of pests, including mosquitos. Some mosquitos only travel a short distance from their birth place and once their life cycle is disrupted, it makes it difficult for them to replenish the population.

  • The treatment will be dry in less than an hour and it is built to withstand some about of water. If it rains within 2 hours of your treatment I will automatically come back and retreat, but if your treatment was at 10am and it rains at 4pm, that doesn’t mean your treatment is washed away.

    The treatments degrade over time and the more it rains, the faster they degrade so if it rains for 7 straight days then you might be a little buggy by the end of your cycle, but if you skip the treatment waiting for a day with no chance of rain then you’ll be really buggy cause we don’t have many of those days in the Charlotte summer.

  • No Contracts! We have a service agreement to lock in your rate for the season, but you are free to cancel at any time.

  • No. Mosquitos prefer shrubs, trees and overgrowth, and don’t often stay in grass that gets cut frequently. This is why we focus on creating a barrier around your lawn targeting the places pests like to hide and keeping them from ever getting to your lawn in the first place. However– if you don’t cut your grass regularly or have a “natural” area to the yard with tall grass and ground cover, those will become mosquito havens. When this becomes an issue and you’re experiencing breakthrough bites, then we can add a ground spray to your next treatment for an addition charge.

  • No. We will send you an email a day or 2 in advance so you know when to prepare. As long as we have access through any fences you do not need to be home, and we will send you an invoice via email once we’ve completed your service.

    If you are home and you want to say hi or make any requests please, for the love, try and wave us down before we walk up the driveway with the backpack on. There’s no way to turn it of and on without going back to the truck and setting it down so we aren’t being rude when we don’t turn it off to talk to you!

  • No one can guarantee a 100% mosquito-free yard* because, well, mosquitos fly and they do not respect property lines! However, you will see a significant reduction in your outdoor pest population within 48 hours after treatment. The more times you treat, the fewer eggs will be laid, further reducing the mosquito population in your yard! (*Yes, I know companies do guarantee 100% mosquito free, but I’m trying to bee honest and hope everyone has as reasonable understanding of how nature works)

  • Our treatment schedule is every 3 weeks, which breaks the mosquito life cycle and reduces the overall mosquito population in your yard. We try very hard to stick as closely to 3 weeks as possible, so you get your money’s worth. However, we are working around the weather and we cannot yet bend it to our will. So, while we may have to move your treatment a day or 2 before or after your 3-week mark, rest assured that the Queen Bee worries about your treatment schedule!

    **Sometimes we get requests to skip treatments when you are out of town or treat only when you are experiencing a high volume of mosquitoes, and while the Queen will honor your requests, just know that breaking the life cycle requires consistency, so sticking to the schedule is definitely more ideal.

  • Only if you want to enjoy to enjoy your yard all summer long! Just because you don’t see or feel many mosquitos in early spring, doesn’t mean they aren’t already active. Killing adult mosquitos in spring means fewer eggs are being laid, so there are fewer new mosquitos being born in your yard. The earlier you start breaking this life cycle, the lower your overall mosquito population will be, meaning you’ll bee more comfortable all summer and fall.

  • Absolutely! If you’re feeling like you need another Royal Visit, or those pesky visitors are making their way back to your space, just contact us and we’ll make it happen.